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We know what it's like to be new.

We all need saving.

We all have wandered from God. Wandering leads to sin. Sin separates us from God and leads to spiritual death. We need to be saved from our sin in order to have a relationship with God and receive eternal life. Jesus paid the price for our sins through his death on the cross, and by accepting Him as our savior, we can be forgiven and reconciled with God. This is the foundation of the Christian faith.

Why water baptism?

Water baptism is the next step for Christians as it demonstrates our commitment to following Jesus and obeying His teachings. It's also a way of telling God that we want to start anew and to live a righteous life.

Why do I need the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit empowers Christians for service to God for life. Jesus promised that this power would come upon His people from heaven and that He would be with us always as we live for Him. The Holy Spirit of Jesus speaks, reminds, corrects, comforts, teaches, and does so much more. To receive the Holy Spirit, Christians must confidently ask and believe for Him to come to them. With the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish great things for God's kingdom.

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